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My Nathan Airchime K5LA (mystery) and 1L bell and Leslie RS-5T
Nathan K3LA vs Leslie RS5T Train Horns in the mountains - Transfăgărășan, Transylvania, Romania
Nathan Airchime 2-Piece 1L Bell
Nathan Airchime & Leslie Controls 5-Chime Train Horns (Supertyfon RS-5T Debut) 2/24/19
2021 Top 10 Favorite Train horns! Nathan, Leslie, Wabco, RVB and more!
k5la vs rs5t.wmv
Chevy pickup from 1949 with the real Nathan Airchime K5LA
Leslie RS5T vs Nathan P3
Mystery Horn #10! What Train Horn Is It!? Nathan Airchime? Leslie? Something else??
Mobile air system for train horns
Proud new father (of a Canadian Holden - Nathan Airchime K5LA train horn)
Nathan Airchime K7HLA First Test